from a little spark may burst a flame
its cold. so, so very cold. the darkness envelops me. it surrounds me. it suffocates me. i cannot see. i cannot breathe. im not dead, at least i dont think i am. but im buried deep in the earth. i hear something. something unfamiliar and foreign. what is that sound? am i not alone? no. i am alone. its me. im crying. i feel the tears roll down my cheeks, leaving warm trails. using up my air. precious air. i sob harder. tremors shake my body, but the box im in does not shift at all. it is unforgiving, unmoving. i am trapped. i must be in the vault, encaged in solid stone in the bowels of the earth below the house. im not alone. the dead of my family surrounds me. they press into me, holding me hostage. we're trapped together by the thick slabs of marble. i cannot clamber out, for the marble is too thick; made to withstand the rains and flood waters from seeping down here. i feel the panic clawing up my throat and attempt to burst through my chest in a fearful explosion. i cannot let it win. i cannot succumb to the terror, not now.
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