abandon all hope, ye who enter here
well i think im gonna burn in hell
everybody burn the house right down
and say what i want to say
tell me im an angel
take this to my grave
tell me im a bad man
kick me like a stray
i dont question the source of these voices. their commands leave me with no choice.s who can deny a decree from the sky but a fool? im a dummy, but no fool am i

am i weird? am i everything you fear? am i the voice in the void in the space between your ears? am i leading you to hell while you wishing well? am i rotting you to heaven with a hypnagogic spell?

like a bullet through a flock of doves to wage this war against your faith in me your life will never be the same on your mother's eyes, say a prayer
amidst the mists and coldest frosts with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts he thrust his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts